
My name is Miriam. I‘m a passionate globetrotter. When I'm not travelling, you can find me in Germany. My home country is my base, but my home is the world. I try to get to know as much of it as possible. It's so full of stories and adventures that I can't get enough!


Purchase link: Thalia
(Only in German)

Purchase link: Thalia
(Only in German)

Purchase link: Thalia
(Only in German)



Click on the image to read (Only in German)

Article in the magazine "Our Cats"
Title: Housesitting in Montpellier
Part 1
Issue: 10.2023

Article in the magazine "Our Cats"
Title: Housesitting in Montpellier
Part 2
Issue: 11.2023

Article in the magazine "Dog's Avenue"
Title: Mit dem Fahrrad durch Europa
(Translation: Through Europe by bicycle)
Issue: 6.2023

Article in the magazine "Dog's Avenue"
Title: Drei Fragen an...
(Translation: Three questions to...)
Issue: 1.2024

Book presentation in the magazine "Freiheit für Tiere"
Title: Ergreifender Reisebericht: Einsatz für Straßenhunde in Kap Verde
(Translation: Moving travel report: Action for street dogs in Cape Verde)
Issue: 1.2024

Article in the magazine "unterwegs..."
Title: Bäume Pflanzen in Haiti
(Translation: Planting trees in Haiti)
Issue: 2.2024

Interview for the news service “good news for you”
Title: Gutes tun, mutig sein, an seine Grenzen gehen… Reisen ist so vieles
(Translation: Doing good, being brave, pushing your limits... Traveling is so many things.)

Text im "Konkursbuch" zum Thema Freiheit
Title: Reisen bedeutet Freisein
(Translation: Traveling means being free)
Issue: 59

Article in the magazine "unterwegs..."
Title: Im Land der (ehemals) Millionen Elefanten
(Translation: Planting trees in Haiti)
Issue: 4.2024


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